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Oregano oil: a great remedy for arthritis
- shahchiragg
- 3rd May 2021
- Oregano oil

Arthritis is a chronic inflammation of the joint that leads to severe pain and loss of mobility. This is the most common neuromusculoskeletal disease and it affects people who are above 55 years old. Though there are many types of arthritis, the most common forms are rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and gout arthritis.
Treatments for arthritis with wild oregano oil
Arthritis can be treated by using traditional medicines, physical therapy, joint exercises, and a proper diet. NSAIDs or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are commonly used to assuage the pain of arthritis. There are other treatments like hydrotherapy, relaxation therapy and mobilization therapy that will enhance the flexibility of joints and muscle. However, several medical researchers have claimed that they have found an organic substance that has a positive impact when tested with patients who are suffering from arthritis. This is wild oregano oil, sourced from the Mediterranean wild oregano plant (Origanum vulgare). Several studies have been conducted by universities in the United States and they have identified some substances (carvacrol and thymol) in the oil that can kill bacteria, parasites and fungi. These two substances are also quite effective in controlling the pain and inflammation of arthritis.
Here, we are going to mention how wild oregano essential oil is beneficial for arthritis.
Ability to Activate HSP
Several medical studies have proved that carvacrol can activate HSP (heat shock proteins) through the regulatory T cells and thus, it prevents artificially induced autoimmune arthritis. Your T cells generally control your tolerance to high stress. They perform this by triggering your natural anti-inflammatory defence system known as heat shock proteins (HSP). The experiments claimed that carvacrol can enhance the responses of the T cells against self-stress protein and thereby, minimizes inflammation. Many renowned scientists claimed that oregano oil (through carvacrol) can completely suppress self-induced joint damage.
Pain Killer
A study was conducted by Phytotherapy Research and it claimed that oil of wild oregano is as effective as morphine if used as a painkiller. The oil can deeply penetrate the skin down to the synovial fluid of the joints. It can even surpass the ability of traditional drugs to reverse pain and inflammation.
Enhances Joints and Muscle Flexibility

Since you can use oregano oil both internally and externally, it will help in enhancing your joint and muscle flexibility. Inflammation occurs in the affected joints. The prime reason for this inflammation is the infections caused by other diseases that used to affect the joints and the tendons. If you can use oregano oil, this will stop the inflammation. Once your inflammation is over, you will recover your muscle and joint flexibility.
Usage and dosage
You can use oregano oil both internally and externally.
· For external use: You can mix 1 drop of oregano oil with 5 drops of virgin olive oil or virgin coconut oil. Now, delicately apply this mixture to the affected joints as per your requirement. This mixture will help you in relieving pain caused by sore muscles, cramps and other inflammatory problems.
· For internal use: You can take it in the form of capsules (wild oregano capsules). But read the instructions properly that are mentioned on the bottle before consuming it.
So, it can be concluded that oregano oil is the best treatment for arthritis.
Solutions4health oil of wild oregano offers high-quality wild oregano oil and wild oregano capsules. Our oregano oil is beneficial in treating several diseases including arthritis. Our oregano oil has amazing properties like anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and immune-boosting. Our Oregano oil is very much effective as it contains a very high content of carvacrol. Our Certified Organic Oil of Wild Oregano is made from wild Mediterranean Oregano, handpicked and naturally steam distilled. We don’t add any additives in the process.
To know more about us and our diverse oregano oil products, don’t forget to visit our official website.
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